How To Assemble a Paul Bot: Step 1

    In an interstellar burst I’m back to save the universe. What pray tell is it that has moved me in such a way as to ensure my fingertips do their little dance this time around? You, of course. I have, for some time been in deep contemplation regarding no one other than you whose […]

Who is the Real Social Conservative?

If I told you that a person: Voted to use tax payer money to fund Planned Parenthood (number one provider of abortions in America) Voted to pass legislation used to criminalize and indicted Pro-Life peaceful protesters Endorsed Pro-Abortion candidates over Pro-Life Candidates Has voted in the past to federally fund contraception (birth control) [1] AND […]

Who Really Spends Your Money?

How is this for some change? During Obama’s time in office he has with the consent of Congress raised the debt ceiling $5.085 Trillion to an astounding $16.4 Trillion. While in office Santorum voted 6 times to raise the debt ceiling from $4.37 Trillion to $8.965 Trillion dollars. He voted and approved a $4.595 Trillion […]

They’re All Right!

I just don’t get it: When Romney and Paul call Santorum a big government Republican who has funded planned parenthood, who has voted 5 times to increase the debt ceiling, or how he voted to increas taxes…THEY ARE RIGHT! When Santorum and Gingrich call Romney a Mass liberal who designed a blueprint for Obamacare, Paul […]