Thoughts on Marriage

I finally take a stab at Video Blogging. As one who supports Constitutional Limited Government and one who holds firm to Traditional Biblical Family Values…what should the government do about Gay Marriage rights? Who defines “Marriage”? Why is the government involved to begin with?

Mandatory Military Service

  Should every American have mandatory service time in the United States Military? Go VOTE on our Facebook poll and participate in the conversation.

Is This Racist?

The AP reports, Today President Obama plans on signing an Executive Order that creates a new office, “African-Americans Education Office.” He announced this initiative in a speech Wednesday night delivered to the National Urban League.

Children’s Chores Break Labor Laws

One has to wonder what this is all about? The US Department of Labor is poised to put the final touches on a rule that would apply child labor laws to a family run farm.

CAN I Be your BUD?: Decriminalization examined

    Alright here’s your meat, then you get your pudding.   After watching someone dance to Trash80’s ‘At teh disko’ one of two things can come to a person’s mind. The first is, “I don’t get it. It’s just a chick dancing in her dorm room.” The other is “Hey that beat isn’t too […]


I’m sticking my neck out on this one and hope not to make a pig’s ear so I’m just going to trust that you’ll follow this next step because if you don’t, well then the rest of this thing is simply in vain. Are you with me? Good man! Now, and believe me I know […]

Spread Em’ Takes On a New Meaning

You better pay your parking tickets or you’ll be subjected to a strip search. Thanks to the “Conservative” justices on the Supreme Court. What happened to “Conservatives” being for less intrusive government? What happened to “Conservatives” wanting to protect the Constitution? The same “Conservative” judges that we are depending on to look at Obamacare and call […]

How to assemble a Paul Bot: Step 5

   Up until now you had only halfway paid attention to politics or the news but as fate would have it you and I all received one hell of a wakeup call didn’t we? Planes. Towers. Smoke. Due to the, surely at this point, highly anticipated fictitious conclusion I’m building towards I will say no […]

How to assemble a Paul Bot: Step 4

     While waiting for the inevitable ejection from public school by way of forced graduation or viscous expulsion, you had other things to do. Better things, like get back to figuring out what your tuning fork to the heart of the universe was. What phrase is this, you ask? Well earlier in your life you […]

How to assemble a Paul Bot: Step 3

Like a good little obedient child you return to the meat grinder from Pink Floyd’s rock-opera extravaganza and robotically write down the answers you were expected to memorize that week on blank lines or scribble in little ovals with your selection of either (A),(B),(C),(D) and don’t even think about rubbing that aluminum gum wrapper up […]