My son will be older than I am now when…

Last week the House of Representatives voted 228-191 and approved the Paul Ryan budget plan. The Ryan budget plan, also known as “The Path to Prosperity” does not project to balance the budget until the year 2040. Even that is a stretch using funny math. In fact, “The Path to Prosperity” still sees massive deficit […]

Who Really Spends Your Money?

How is this for some change? During Obama’s time in office he has with the consent of Congress raised the debt ceiling $5.085 Trillion to an astounding $16.4 Trillion. While in office Santorum voted 6 times to raise the debt ceiling from $4.37 Trillion to $8.965 Trillion dollars. He voted and approved a $4.595 Trillion […]

The Question Behind the Question

The moderator essentially asked, “You want to cut defense spending and there are 6 military institutions in South Carolina. Shouldn’t people in SC be worried about their jobs?” Paul correctly differentiated between militarism spending and defense and accurately mentioned bring the troops home would leave bases open here instead of opening them overseas. This would […]