Wisconsin Was Serious…

govScottIn 2010 when Wisconsin voters said they wanted to have someone as the state’s chief executive that would make tough fiscal decisions to get their financial house in order they were SERIOUS! They showed tonight that they support the person they elected in 2010.

What this means is that the teacher’s union lobbyist just cost Wisconsin taxpayers millions by forcing the state to have a recall election.

Now one has to ask the Wisconsin Democrats where are they going to run now. The people have spoken! They want to make the tough decisions to get things done. They are tired of big government looking out for special interest.

The Democrats behind the recall stated that it was in part due to lower than projected job creation numbers. To that I say, unlike our federal government, at least Gov. Walker didn’t spend money to create or lose (depending at what numbers you look at) those jobs. Gov. Walker actually made some tough cuts. We can only hope that Washington D.C. can wake up and see that Americans are wanting people to make the tough cuts.

When we say cuts we mean actually cutting the spending not merely slowing down the growth.

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