Not out of the woods…

We’re still running deeper in, actually.   We’re in a deep dark fiscal forest with lots of scary trees and weird animal sounds.  We have two choices.  We can either turn around and walk back out (I prefer running) or we can use this handy little cannon we brought with us- known as “government stimulus”- and SHOOT our way of the woods!!  That seems to be the preferred method these days, and with GOOD REASON!  Look how high and how fast you go!  And you get to see the sun, which we haven’t seen in months in this deep dark forest.

Wait a second…why can’t we get this thing to point us out of the woods?   Getting above the trees is great and all, but the cannon only seems to point DEEPER into the forest!??!?!!  And we haven’t figured out how to conquer gravity (the market) yet so we just keep falling back down!!  This is truly a conundrum.  And now if we want to walk out we have to go even FURTHER.

Oh, did I mention there’s another way out of this forest?  See there’s this cliff….

This article is a good reminder that we’re NOT out of the woods.  And even though sometimes it may seem that we’re getting somewhere all we’re doing is going the wrong way faster. - Buy Gold & Silver

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