How to assemble a Paul Bot: Step 5

   Up until now you had only halfway paid attention to politics or the news but as fate would have it you and I all received one hell of a wakeup call didn’t we? Planes. Towers. Smoke. Due to the, surely at this point, highly anticipated fictitious conclusion I’m building towards I will say no more on September the 11th at this juncture because this ship would steer way off course for quite some time. Oh, but it’s coming. Now I know you knew this was coming and I know you’ve been dreading it because this is when you really messed up. This is when you let the emotion of anger and desire for retribution bubble up and overshadow your inquisitive nature. This was no time for asking questions, not when three towers were still smoldering due to falling into their own footprint…at free fall speed…because of Muslim extremists. Some who heard the call rushed in with the assumption that a tragedy like this was sure to make our government stop playing around and act like grownups, and signed a dotted line that ensured they could get their pound of flesh. Because we all wanted our pound of flesh didn’t we? Don’t worry, you shouldn’t beat yourself up too bad for it, no one could’ve seen those attacks coming, no one was prepared. Except for NORAD who happened to running drills the morning of September 11th which involved commercial airline jets being hijacked and used as missiles to be flown into the world trade center and the pentagon but who the hell are they, right?

With such a historic event happening in your lifetime, and with the world seeming to be turned on its head overnight, you began to wade into the pool of politics so that you could be a more informed and active member of society. At first you had to stick your wet thumb up in the air to see what side the winds of the argument were blowing and from there determine what your positions would be on the very important issues addressing your generation. Having always considered yourself patriotic and believing in the principles of the country the founding fathers gave you, you started to gravitate towards the right wing republican position. They were talking that constitution stuff up something fierce and by this time you had calmed down a little and started to dig a little deeper into what your government was telling you only to find out that perhaps things were not what they seemed. You were beginning to have second and third thoughts on having supported invading all those countries and committing all those lives. Tater head Hannity had you all hyped up about returning our government to the Constitution and saving it from the liberal left who had no motives for their actions other than to demonize Bush. Rush Limbaugh  had you believing the bloodthirsty administration that was leading us straight into world war three at break neck speed were actually benevolent geniuses just pretending to sound like retarded hillbillies to throw the enemies off a little. Don’t mess with El Busto. You even had that stupid black, death looking, bumper sticker that simply read “W”. That was creepy. The upside to listening to all that talk about the constitution from the pundit league was that you being you, the inquisitive little cuss, didn’t take their word for what the document said and figured that it had been quite some time since you had given it a peek and probably could use some brushing up. After studying that sucker backwards and forwards, committing the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence to memory, and watching several seminars on the internet you were chomping at the bit for the ’08 elections to come around because you were going to hold all the nominee’s feet to the fire of liberty. As soon as the debates came around you would be able to filter through all the gymnastic political lingo and know which one of the candidates were the closest to the constitution. Now, having studied the documents of our founding fathers, you were confident that you would come to the same conclusion of who the most conservative republican was as the pundit league, so in that confidence you sat back and watched the first debate.


This was your lotus flower moment. You were treated to a little “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”  as each of the slick, tailored suit republicans blathered away from their Hollywood produced teleprompter speeches, spinning all kinds of sounds but in actuality not saying one single word. The selection was looking grim, you were beginning to think that none of these men, who you thought had to have at least read the constitution before running for office, were going to be able meet your criteria. As a matter of fact everyone of these guys are talking about growing government and passing all kinds of laws that will serve only to strip us of more and more rights. Not to mention you are pretty sure Rudy Giuliani isn’t just kidding around with the gender bending gag, and though you aren’t judging him, you aren’t completely devoid of opinion on the matter either. All in all, the veil was lifted and for the first time you could see that there really was no difference between the republicans and the democrats and the war between the right and the left was nothing more than a contrived narrative being fed to the public in much the same fashion as one of those water bottles filled with crack or meth and the mouse just can’t stop licking every last drop. Now it was clear to you that no one was truly interested in returning our country to its foundations, none of the wall street owned candidates were genuine human beings with genuine souls and you could feel despair swelling up in your eyes…until.


When you first heard Ron Paul speak it was as if a crack in the hologram appeared above him, a shaft of light came down and scores upon scores of cherubs began singing “That’s alright Mama” just like a billion Elvis Presley’s. It was as if you had just bought a lottery ticket to goof around and whattaya know you pegged every number. This man was the real thing and will you look at that; he doesn’t need a teleprompter or an ear piece with a direct connection to Karl “if you cut me I bleed gravy from Kentucky Fried Chicken” Rove. You were ecstatic and couldn’t wait until you tuned in to your favorite neoconservative pundit to confirm that they too had realized which of the men on the stage actually was true to his oath of office. Your listening experience the next day was another healthy dose of that “This is not what I expected”. You were completely disenfranchised as the talk show hosts that had been harping all these years on conservatism, being libertarians, and only following the advice of the founders completely wrote Ron Paul off as some kook that was paranoid and oh hated America because he wasn’t too keen on subtracting perfectly good working limbs and lives from civilians in occupied countries and the soldiers sent to occupy them. This made you feel isolated. This made you feel alone and all the pieces of what was about to become a Paul Bot were scattered about the workshop in no discernible order.


You being you, as discombobulated as you felt at the time, it was now second nature to kick in your powers of inquisition and the only resource not controlled by Rupert Murdoch was the internet. Once there your kundalini awakening began. There were hours and hours of homemade videos about him set to the most powerful pieces of music and tragically epic of images. Sprinkled throughout them all were shots of the almost prophet-looking Paul warning of us of the impending doom. You couldn’t believe it, you weren’t alone as the pundit league would have had you believe. There were a diverse swath of people not only all around the country, but all around the world who were hearing the message of individual liberty and freedom unfettered by the chains of compromise. Men and women of all ages, colors, religions, creeds, and diverse upbringing who in all actuality had no business coming together under a single banner at all in a seemingly sane world, …were. The common trait among them? All of them in agreement that man should be free. Man should be free to live his life as he sees fit, own what he has earned, and pursue happiness at only the discretion of his own definition of happiness. This is when it all began to make sense and the only remaining step before bringing all the parts together was to jolt the Paul Bot to life with the correct frequency. Ready for your benediction? Good, slap me up a YouTube tab with “Trash80 Missing You”.


Now that we have taken a good long look back at where we have all come from, the stages in our lives that made us who we are, the revelations we could only learn by experience which begs of personal freedom in order for it to be achieved, we can now extrapolate a heading for where it is we are exactly going. Perhaps for you this anatomy of a Paul Bot has been little more than an amusing read with a few fingers near the pulse, or then again it could be damn near a biography of your exact experience thus far, though maybe not in perfect synchronicity with the timing of your own personal tale. Either way there are some things that all we called Bots have in common and it’s this; we really get this thing. Our whole life has taught us that if you want intelligence you must first admit ignorance and by that maxim we have always held true to asking questions. We have never been able to fit in with the status quo at any point of our lives and we certainly don’t intend to now. We could care less about trying to fit any mold, or be herded into ideologies or mentalities simply because they are held by the majority. We understand that typically if not totally, the majority are a blithering lot of twits just following the bloke in front of them. We believe that it is our duty to defend the rights bestowed upon us by God against mentally perverted oppressors in any form they so choose to come in and we reject any attempt by supposed ‘authorities’ to perform upon us thought control. We do not buy the official narrative, we are not frightened of our own shadows because if you glance out of the corner of your eye it kinda looks Persian doesn’t it? We understand this whole fight for liberty is bigger than politics, or the economy, or the wars, or all of the burning issues put together. This fight for liberty is spiritual. It is intolerable for mankind to remain in a state of bondage unchallenged. All the universe decries the life of a single man not lived in the freedom of his own choices, for it is the reason both he and we were created. Expression is the outward manifestation of the inward growth and we recognize that any structure or organization which seeks to quell that freedom of expression is merely an agent to extinguish the human soul. We now see that there is a definitive and ever increasingly transparent force in this world which is deliberately, maliciously, and sadistically attempting to push our species into utter ruins the likes of which George Orwell would get the vapors. They yearn for a totalitarian, top down system where they call all the shots and reap all the benefits of the work from the backs of we, the little sad, pathetic pawns. We understand that in order for this to be done this force which I tend to call the overlords of dark hatchery, must first control the minds of the many. We also understand that two can play that game, and though you may have had a head start; we are indeed a quick study.


Now Paul Bot, go forth for ye have been assembled. In the coming weeks you will ignore the media hype that our campaign is over. You will dismiss the claims that our points are moot and our cause is futile. You will not assume that others are going to take up your slack, or contribute when you do not. You will no longer be an armchair soldier in this struggle because as you know, in this inter-cosmic battle, there is a soul weighing in the balance. As some of you look into the faces of your children and the rest of us imagine what they will look like when they come, you for the first time realize that what you are doing here does matter. You understand that there seems to be this repeating tale throughout not only your life, but all of history itself and its that tyranny doesn’t stop until it meets resistance. So into your caucus or mass precinct meeting. March into those republican dog and pony shows in full force with every intention of doing what it is in your nature to do, and fight tooth and nail, spitting, biting, and clawing for the cause of liberty. Maybe you aren’t as well read on Roberts Rules as the brass of this outfit, but you will commit to backing them up by making sure you show up when they need you to and where they need you to. As ruthlessly as the republican party, media, and political pundits have been to the good and noble Dr. Paul and in conjunction, the Constitution, we shall exact the same measure of ruthlessness upon the corruption which has strangled our Republic. We will rip this tumor out with our bare hands if we have to. No matter the outcome of this election, no matter which way it goes the truth that we all have in our heart is that this thing is just getting started. Ron Paul long ago found his tuning fork to the heart of the universe and with it look what he has managed to do. He seems to have followed the course naturally, which all of us have been stumbling back and forth over until he showed us the way. Yet neither he, nor we are under the impression that he is anything other than a messenger. We do not believe in Ron Paul, we believe with Ron Paul. In doing so, it’s time that we all take our proper place in this grand adventure and dust off our own tuning fork to the heart of the universe.


Musicians, make music for the cause of liberty. Artists, paint pictures of the troops coming home. Comedians, make people laugh at the ineptness of our government. Whatever it is that you once knew would let you change the world, it’s time to use it because believe me, with it you will change the world. Our movement is nothing if not self perpetuating so if I inspire you with my frequency then you take that, mix it in your bag and inspire me with something from what comes out. We are all in this together.


Before tipping the bib of my cap let me say something to the Paul Bot 2.0s out there. These are the ones who just jumped on board this election cycle. Listen, I know youre worried because this is the first time you’ve been through this rodeo and all the media blackout and election fraud has you frazzled. You know that after this Ron Paul is going to retire from public office and quite frankly that has you feeling a little like you are going to be left adrift. Fear not, we have been where you are now and can assure you that what’s so durable about Ron Paul’s message is that it doesn’t require Ron Paul. To wrap this whole thing up let me surmise with a short snippet of a very old tale.


The wise old mentor had known for some time that today was the appointed day and had wished to make his departure without the presence of his younger protégé. On several occasions he had, with fruitless results, attempted to send the boy on errands so that perhaps he could leave quietly and without much fuss. The young protégé also knew that his mentor’s time was near and refused to swander each and every moment he could still spend with him while time was still theirs. After crossing the river on dry land the wise old mentor accepted that the boy was simply determined to follow him to the ends of the earth before he would let him out of his sight. Solemnly he asked “Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee.”

The protégé without hesitation replied “I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.”

Though it was a hard thing for the young protégé to ask, it would be granted to him after the universe opened up to send its fiery chariots to take the old wise mentor home, his mantle drifting in the wind beneath his ascent. The young protégé mourns by renting his clothes, then assumes his place by taking the mantle up from the ground and with it parting the sea. With this double portion of what had been before, the sons of the prophets will all say “The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha.”

D.L. Crumpton - Buy Gold & Silver
7 Responses to “How to assemble a Paul Bot: Step 5”
  1. Your Brother says:

    You smoked it! This was incredible…the trash80 worked perfectly with the ending too. Love You

  2. Kisha says:

    Okay, so I have to comment on this . . . this is my favorite part: “Karl “if you cut me I bleed gravy from Kentucky Fried Chicken” Rove. I don’t know why, they were all great but I’ll be giggling about this for some time! lol! So, after reading this in it’s entirety . . . I just have one question. . . will you marry me? 😉

  3. Scott Tyner says:

    You summed up how alot of us have been awakened. For you it seems to have happened around 9-11. For me it was a run in with the law that I felt was wrong at the time. I guess we all have our moment of waking up (some still need to of course). Keep raising the flag bro!

  4. betty says:

    Bravo! How you managed to take a premise of us being called PaulBots and weave it into so many topics that are common for all us showing the system of control that has haunted us all our lives is unbelievable. Then to top it off you wrap the whole thing up in a tent revival that makes us all want to sing when the saints go marching in. Thank you for lifting your voice for those who cant do it as eloquently

  5. april says:

    April from enmark in cordele, just wanted to let u know I checked out this site.

  6. kenny says:

    Hmmm, I’m from Cordele also and I freakin loved it.. The mainstream herd keep thinking this is about Ron Paul, it ain’t. But I guess when you don’t really stand for anything, you don’t understand that.

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