Thoughts on Marriage

I finally take a stab at Video Blogging. As one who supports Constitutional Limited Government and one who holds firm to Traditional Biblical Family Values…what should the government do about Gay Marriage rights? Who defines “Marriage”? Why is the government involved to begin with?

Promising Status Quo

“My promise is to help you and your family.” – Mitt Romney

Mandatory Military Service

  Should every American have mandatory service time in the United States Military? Go VOTE on our Facebook poll and participate in the conversation.

Five Predictions Regardless of November’s Results

Five Predictions for the next four years regardless of who wins in November: 1. The National Debt will be greater than it is today

Is This Racist?

The AP reports, Today President Obama plans on signing an Executive Order that creates a new office, “African-Americans Education Office.” He announced this initiative in a speech Wednesday night delivered to the National Urban League.

“The private sector is doing fine.”

I’m pretty sure his only goal is to take over the economy and establish totalitarian rule.  The problem is the other guys go in the same direction- just a little slower.  Deeper into the woods we go….

Wisconsin Was Serious…

In 2010 when Wisconsin voters said they wanted to have someone as the state’s chief executive that would make tough fiscal decisions to get their financial house in order they were SERIOUS! They showed tonight that they support the person they elected in 2010. What this means is that the teacher’s union lobbyist just cost […]

Reflections On The GA GOP Convention

I will start off by saying that I was actually pleased overall with the way the chair ran the convention. Yes we lost. Yes we nearly got completely shut out. Yes I felt sick to my stomach…I HATE losing at anything! This however, was even different. It’s hard to describe. On the one hand numbers […]

A Conversation With My Congressman

Over the weekend, while in Columbus GA for the 2012 Georgia Republican State Convention, I ran into Congressman Austin Scott from Georgia’s 8th US Congressional District (my district). After Friday’s convention adjourned I go to a local Restaurant/Jazz bar (The Loft…If ever in Columbus check it out). I have just downed a Rusty Nail, to […]


Ginger Howard is running for Georgia national committee woman and ended her campaign on the Valerie Sergent Martin show after getting completely destroyed by the aforementioned host. Just not in the way you think. No, there were no knock down drag out, gotcha questions from a host frothing at the mouth to get ratings by […]