Wisconsin Was Serious…

govScottIn 2010 when Wisconsin voters said they wanted to have someone as the state’s chief executive that would make tough fiscal decisions to get their financial house in order they were SERIOUS! They showed tonight that they support the person they elected in 2010.

What this means is that the teacher’s union lobbyist just cost Wisconsin taxpayers millions by forcing the state to have a recall election.

Now one has to ask the Wisconsin Democrats where are they going to run now. The people have spoken! They want to make the tough decisions to get things done. They are tired of big government looking out for special interest.

The Democrats behind the recall stated that it was in part due to lower than projected job creation numbers. To that I say, unlike our federal government, at least Gov. Walker didn’t spend money to create or lose (depending at what numbers you look at) those jobs. Gov. Walker actually made some tough cuts. We can only hope that Washington D.C. can wake up and see that Americans are wanting people to make the tough cuts.

When we say cuts we mean actually cutting the spending not merely slowing down the growth.

Not out of the woods…

We’re still running deeper in, actually.   We’re in a deep dark fiscal forest with lots of scary trees and weird animal sounds.  We have two choices.  We can either turn around and walk back out (I prefer running) or we can use this handy little cannon we brought with us- known as “government stimulus”- and SHOOT our way of the woods!!  That seems to be the preferred method these days, and with GOOD REASON!  Look how high and how fast you go!  And you get to see the sun, which we haven’t seen in months in this deep dark forest.

Wait a second…why can’t we get this thing to point us out of the woods?   Getting above the trees is great and all, but the cannon only seems to point DEEPER into the forest!??!?!!  And we haven’t figured out how to conquer gravity (the market) yet so we just keep falling back down!!  This is truly a conundrum.  And now if we want to walk out we have to go even FURTHER.

Oh, did I mention there’s another way out of this forest?  See there’s this cliff….

This article is a good reminder that we’re NOT out of the woods.  And even though sometimes it may seem that we’re getting somewhere all we’re doing is going the wrong way faster.


Whats going on with Spain?

The Eurozone is falling apart.  Greece is out.  Spain is on the way next.  This article does a good job of showing how things can get really bad for an economy….really fast.  When the market decides you’re done, you’re done.



Hello IATGC World

Greetings from another grandchild.  I’ll be your dayshift prognosticator and bad news digger-upper.  The goal, as always, is to get you sufficiently enraged that you actually vote the bums out this November.  Happy reading!!


Reflections On The GA GOP Convention

I will start off by saying that I was actually pleased overall with the way the chair ran the convention. Yes we lost. Yes weGaGOP nearly got completely shut out. Yes I felt sick to my stomach…I HATE losing at anything! This however, was even different. It’s hard to describe. On the one hand numbers win in conventions yet on the other you desire to be allowed to speak. Not force your way in just to be heard. Have honest discourse and real debate.

I say pleased because (I am trying to be objective) Randy Evans who chaired the convention did well following the Rules and Robert’s Rules of Order. The only real issue I take with him is that he didn’t have a division count on adopting the rules. Instead he went with a subjective, “In the opinion of the chair the Yays have it.” From my vantage point it looked pretty close leaning to agree with him but to remove all doubt and any chance of complaints and screams of fairness a count would have been appropriate. I know this would have taken time but again it would have given a concrete objective vote and there could not have been any complaints.

But we move on…it is what it is. The people in charge of the state party are in charge. They have been involved for years and have taken control and set the agenda, rules, sit on the committees, are the chairs, etc. They have the numbers and in politics numbers win. It’s that simple. The numbers are changing!

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A Conversation With My Congressman

Over the weekend, while in Columbus GA for the 2012 Georgia Republican State Convention, I ran into Congressman Austin Scott from Georgia’s 8th US Congressional District (my district).

After Friday’s convention adjourned I go to a local Restaurant/Jazz bar (The Loft…If ever in Columbus check it out). I have justRep_Austin_Scott_Copy downed a Rusty Nail, to remove the tension from the day of listening to speakers whose only talking point was “BEAT OBAMA.” (I would like him removed from office as bad as they do. I just don’t want to replace him with someone who has the same positions on issues just a different party affiliation.)

Now I am sipping and enjoying my time with Three Philosophers (a delicious Belgium beer) and I turn around and to my delight I see Austin. This is ironic because I was very disappointed at his most recent vote on the floor of the House of Representatives. Disappointed is putting it mildly. I was really somewhere in the range of irate and pissed probably leaning pissed…yea definitely leaning pissed.

On Thursday Austin Scott voted against an amendment to the NDAA bill. This amendment, the Amash-Smith amendment, would have struck the language from the bill that allows for the indefinite detention of US citizens without a trial.

So I need to put some things in context and rewind about a month. It’s the District convention in April. Following our district convention we had a lunch and Austin Scott was the guest speaker. After he spoke, a group of incensed passionate people confronted Austin about the NDAA bill. Specifically they heckled him about sections 1021 and 1022 which denies even US citizens our right to a trial. (Though I agreed with their question I disagreed with the means that they went about presenting them to him.) That said, Mr. Scott, before the members in attendance at the luncheon denied that the bill contained any language to detain US citizens.

So here is what has been said so far:

  • In April Austin Scott denied to the District 8 GOP members in attendance that the NDAA bill does allows the indefinite detention of US citizens and removes their right to a fair and speedy trial.
  • In May he casts a “NO” vote to amend the NDAA bill and remove the language from the bill that is the questionable portion applying to US citizens.
  • I run in to him the day after his “NO” vote on the amendment.

So after he finishes up a conversation with someone he obviously knew, I make my way to him. I did notice something as I approached him, I wasn’t nervous at all. Here I am about to talk to a US congressman and I feel nothing but confidence. Why? I don’t know.

Maybe it’s that the Rusty Nail had taken some affect and given me liquid courage. Maybe it’s that I feel that I was dressed more stylish than he was (FACT). Maybe it’s that drinking on a Three Philosophers made me feel wise (Again GREAT beer). To his credit Austin was drinking a Fat Tire another good beer. However, being that I have a hobby of brewing beer, even my beer was better than his…Maybe another cause of confidence. But he did turn down the horse pee beers for the Fat Tire. I respect that about him. Or it could be that I feel confident, because based on his voting record I am more aware of what is contained in the NDAA (and other legislation) than he is and that I am more up to date than he is on issues.

For whatever reason I am feeling confident.

I introduce myself and shook his hand and begin to ask questions. This is a summary of the conversation:

Me: I was at the district convention in Tifton and was at the luncheon.

Austin (AS): Yeah that was bad

Me: I know! I didn’t like the way they heckled you…sorry about that.

AS: Thanks

Me: I do agree with their position though.

AS: Ok

Me: I do have a question for you.

AS: Ok

Me: At the district convention you told everyone there that the NDAA does not contain language to indefinitely detain US Citizens yet yesterday you voted against an amendment that would have removed the language from the bill that does apply to US citizens. If the bill doesn’t apply to US citizens, why was there an amendment to remove that kind of language and why did you vote against it?

AS: Because it would have ALSO (I will come back to this later) removed the language that applied to non US citizens.

Me: Ok but it would have removed the language applying to US citizens.

AS: The constitution doesn’t apply to non US citizens

Me: Sir, do you believe the US Constitution is the greatest form of Law ever written and conceived by man to govern?

AS: Absolutely.

Me: Then why, if it’s so good, can’t it be applied to everyone and show the world we respect human rights and the rule of law.

AS: It just doesn’t apply to non US Citizens.

(At this point I am seeing some density and feel a little frustrated that I am not communicating my thoughts to him convincingly enough)

Me: Do you not see how we are one short step away from an Obama taking the liberty to abuse this law on US citizens? That one day to voice opposition of your government will make you a declared enemy of the state? And that you and I will be detained indefinitely for “terrorist” activity?

AS: Yes, but the threat to us is real. I am actually surprised that we haven’t been attacked again since 9/11. We need to take every precaution to protect the US citizens from terrorists.

Me: Do you not see that in the name of protection, the power of government grows and one day it’s the Federal Government that we will need protection from and then what?

AS: Yes.

Me: Then put the brakes on now and do not give the power to detain even non US citizens indefinitely because it’s one short step away from US citizens.

AS: They do not have the same rights as US citizens.

Me: Sir, why not treat them with justice and rights as a human? If they are “suspected” (and I did do the finger motion) of a crime…TRY THEM IN COURT and PROVE IT! Then execute them. Hang them, electrocute them, inject them, shoot them. Whatever the means is carry out the law on them. Don’t hold them indefinitely forever. This only incenses our enemy. Let the world know that we are a nation that respects human rights and the rule of law. Let the world know that if you come to our country and try to carry out a terrorist activity you will face the full extent of the law. You will see your day in court and you will be prosecuted but we will have liberty and JUSTICE for ALL!

AS: Well the constitution doesn’t apply to non US citizens.

Me: It seems to me it’s not far from applying TO even US citizens.

(in a change of subject Austin brings up drones)

AS: I will say that after the district convention I looked into the drone questions because I hadn’t heard that before. You know most of us don’t have time to watch the news because we are so busy. But I did start to do some research on that and I am fighting to remove the drones from US skies. I don’t want them flying of my house and land.

Me: Agreed (I didn’t want to get into the whole deal with him on how he voted to fund it. OR get into how the news was they were funded and allowed by congress. He should have known because it was his actions/inaction that was the news. You know what you do/don’t do without it having to be reported to you through the news…at least I do. I.E. If I were to go rob a convenient store I wouldn’t have to watch the news to know someone robbed the convenient store.)

At this point we talked a little more about drones and about the NDAA some more. I encouraged him to rethink the NDAA because we have a president who takes liberty in his position of office, look at Libya He mentioned that Obama should be impeached for Libya. I asked why you haven’t done it. His answer was because it would have guaranteed his re-election. I mentioned so much for the rule of law winning elections is more important. He remarked by asking if I wanted 4 more years. Of course I don’t. But I don’t want to compromise and play politics with the law either. He shrugged and nodded. And I said so if he wins in November would you then hold him accountable?

Here we exchanged pleasantries and went on. It wasn’t a heated exchange just a conversation.

So back to the word “ALSO” mentioned earlier. I didn’t think of this then but I did later. He used the word ALSO! I am not an English major (you can probably tell by writing style), but ALSO is used to join together. Right?

Definition of Also – In addition; too.
Synonyms: too – as well as – likewise – so – besides – eke – ditto.

So Austin Scott using the word ALSO here implies his understanding that the language of the bill applies to: Non US citizens as well as US citizens. “I didn’t vote for the amendment because it applied to non US citizens as well as US citizens.”

Right? Am I off here? He said it would have also removed the language for Non-US citizens.

Congressman Austin Scott didn’t protect your rights as a US citizen guaranteed in the US constitution because he ALSO wanted to prevent non US citizens from having protection under the US law.

He has failed in his oath to protect and defend the Constitution because he wants to abuse the human rights on non US citizens. He is more concerned with abusing non US citizens than he is in protecting US citizens from government oversteps. He supports our path to Totalitarianism over US citizens by ensuring that non US citizens are treated inhumanely.

I will conclude with this:
Though I disagreed with their tactics, the rowdy rebels at the district convention did educate Austin Scott on violations that he himself is participating in. To that end there is a victory. We celebrate that.

However, we must refine our tactics so that we educate all in attendance too. How many of the people there left and learned about the NDAA and the FAA? Not many. And Austin Scott will now speak out about the drones. However, he was part of the problem that allowed and funded the drones in the US skies. The people will never hear that from him and remain in the dark.


Ginger Howard is running for Georgia national committee woman and ended her campaign on the Valerie Sergent Martin show after getting completely destroyed by the aforementioned host. Just not in the way you think. No, there were no knock down drag out, gotcha questions from a host frothing at the mouth to get ratings by turning an interview into a cage match; rather a good listen to Valerie Martin’s little Q and A with the ambitious fashion bug reveals that Martin is indeed a master at tossing out the rope in which one can dutifully go and hang themselves.



Valerie Sargent Martin

Valerie Sergent Martin is a fun one to watch and I do recommend you give her show a listen when you can. It is no secret that she is a Ron Paul\Liberty movement supporter and this little fact has made her quite the bone of contention in the 8th congressional district of Georgia’s republican party. Say what you will about her, and some do, but there simply can be no denying that when many people talk, she is willing to add to those words the actions that go along with them. After joining the party, running a campaign for congress, helping to rally the Paul Bots inside the system and now establishing herself as a figure in the alternative media, I think it’s safe to say that no one from the establishment is giving her any handouts. Disagree with her tactics and methods if you must, but no objective observer can say in honesty that what she is doing is by anyone else’s steam but her own. Her interview with Ginger Howard is an excellent example of what I’m talking about and I think that all in all it was a wonderful public service to those active within the party. Because as far as I am concerned, by the time the interview had wrapped up Valerie had pretty much owned the living crap out of her guest without ever having to raise her voice, hurl insults, or play the rest of the pundit game.


Right out of the gate you get her credentials as to why she should be the National Committeewoman and with those of you who like to boil down information to its basest you probably picked up that her best qualification is that she can phone bank with a suthun twang. When Valerie gives her a second crack at it she pulls out the “small business owner” card. Now I don’t mean to belittle small business owners, I work for one, so I know it’s quite a thing to do, much less maintain but at the end of the day that really doesn’t hold much water for me. It shows me you know how to turn a little bit of a profit and in case you haven’t been paying attention, the problem with our government is that there are too many people in it who know how to turn a little profit. Knowing how to run a small business doesn’t mean you know anything about freedom and liberty or the constitution. For that matter it doesn’t even mean you have your head screwed on straight because at one time the pet rock was a small business too and the thought of having a rock as a pet is just stupid regardless of if you’re a hippy or not.


Valerie, who at this point I imagine, has already ascertained that her guest is another carbon copy fresh off the GOP printing presses, tries yet again to set up the ball on a tee for Mrs. Howard and asks what a committee woman does exactly. It gets awkward for the next few minutes as Howard tries her best to answer the question like a little girl in front of the class regurgitating the cliff notes she memorized the night before. While listening you can almost see her with her eyes closed and her fists bobbing in front of her as she makes it from bullet point to bullet point stammering the whole way through. It’s easy to tell when someone knows what they are talking about because it never comes off scripted and ham-fisted which is not what I got from her description of the position she is aiming for.


Then of course we get the very rare qualification of being a communicator. She’s a communicator. She can communicate…uh huh. Guess that should seal the deal then. Unfortunately when I see a little baby gurgling out carrots and beats onto its bib with a bubbly laugh I understand that to be communication as well so being a communicator really isn’t saying much now is it? She also makes it a point to bring up how much of a unifier she is which is the tip of the iceberg I know is soon to tear right into the hull of her cruise liner. Cruise liner with a pink feather boa.

Ginger Howard


At this point anyone listening could tell that Valerie was done trying to help the sugar dumplin’ candidate out of the ditch she had clawed her way into. Which isn’t kosher for someone as fashion conscious as this gal. No, Valerie is done and will now go on to destroy any credibility her guests’ campaign ever hoped to have. The cool thing is, she did it by simply allowing her guest to flap her gums and let the listeners sort out that Ginger Howard is about as qualified for public office as Miss Piggy without a hand up the orifice where a Muppet hand operators’ digits go.


Valerie asks her guest how she would heal the division within the republican party and the answer is what pretty much invites the fork of doneness. You see there is a division in the republican party and it’s the old faithful republicans who will eat glass for anyone with an R after their name against the up and coming, liberty loving, Ron Paul supporters trying to fix the broken nature of our government. Now Valerie didn’t have to word it like this because let’s face it, who is listening to her show? People like me who already get that the two party system is nothing more than a farce and the republican party is simply the right wing of the party the democrats belong to as well. We don’t have to have this laid out for us in a question instead merely listen and see if the guest is going to show any glimmer of actually knowing what is right and what is wrong instead of chanting neoconservative talking points. At this point Ginger Howard really revs up with her sales pitch and what is delivered is exactly what I was expecting, another mindless, drone mantra about having to put all our differences aside and unite behind the nominee in order to defeat Obama.


This is at the very core of why the republican party is in such a state of disrepair and to tell you the truth I’m sick and tired of hearing such an asinine line of reasoning from these people. No, anybody is not better than Obama and the goal is not to oust one socialist from the White House only to install another because this isn’t a friggin team sport. This is the future of our country and no one running for office seems to understand that this attitude of Machiavellianism, or sacrificing ideals for victory is exactly what got us John McCain and ultimately Barak Obama. The republican party is suppose to stand for individual liberty but all the people running within it are urging us to shed our individuality and unite. It’s all about uniting, coming together, putting our differences aside so we can save the country from legislation like the NDAA by running a guy who supports NDAA. What nitwittery is this? I would much rather have a candidate that says “Justice, may the heavens fall” any day of the week over one that says “Justice is made by the winners” because where that leads us is to places like Cambodia and Tiananmen square.

Republican National Committeewoman


I am a Ron Paul supporter. The reason I am a Ron Paul supporter is because the man is solidly grounded in the foundation of the Constitution and the concepts of individual liberty for all people. His record proves the man cannot be moved to compromise and what’s so funny about that is the party claiming to endorse all the causes as he refuses to give him the respect he is due. So, no thank you Ginger Howard. I will not be eating any of your cupcakes of mediocrity no matter how much icing you put on top. I want exceptional in my public servants. I want people who understand that when a cause is just there is never a need to unite because those in the right are already headed in the same direction. I, and a whole bunch of other folks this time around, will not be bending over to play your game of voting for anyone but Obama. Get a new line already.


Valerie pretty much set the trap on her show with carefully honed questions designed to let her listeners get everything they needed while still staying a good distance away so Ginger Howard could waddle right into the pit. Now I have no idea if in actuality that is what her intent was but I think that a good listen will have everyone else just as convinced as I that the host certainly wasn’t doing the stale neoconservative guest any favors with the breadcrumb questions.

Let this be a lesson to future would be public servants that it’s probably not a good idea to lean on Rush and the boys for your pedigree anymore because the people taking over your party have this neat thing called the internet and we don’t buy your canned principles.

Children’s Chores Break Labor Laws

childFarmOne has to wonder what this is all about? The US Department of Labor is poised to put the final touches on a rule that would apply child labor laws to a family run farm. Read More

There’s Gold In Them Thar Bills

So this morning I awake to find a nicely folded USA Today sitting at the foot of my hotel door. Oh yeah! Reading material while eating breakfast!gold

I get down to the lobby to enjoy the free continental breakfast, set my computer down and lay the paper on the table and a co-worker says there’s an article in there about your gold. (Yeah I have made an impression on people talking about real money) “REALLY” I exclaimed. I almost didn’t even want to eat…just read!

Then reality hit in…this is the USA TODAY. I responded with “there’s probably the typical nonsense of “’there’s not enough gold in the world to back the dollar’” bull crap!”

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Braves Rally in the ninth

BravesThe Date was May 20, 2010. The Braves were off to a pretty slow start to the season. After giving up 8 runs to the Cincinnati Reds in the top half of the inning Bobby Cox pulled started, Tommy Hanson. This was Bobby Cox’s final year and playoff hopes were already being questioned. They couldn’t score runs!

So an eight run deficit seemed insurmountable. By the ninth they were down 9-3. At this point in the year 3 runs was a lot of runs for the Braves. So I am sitting there listening to the game on the radio and as the game got into the latter innings started thinking:

“why even continue?” “Why are the Braves even taking the field?” “This thing is over!” “This is just embarrassing can’t they see it?” “Can’t they just admit it and go home?” “Bobby throw in the towel…just give the Reds the victory.” “Acknowledge the inevitable.” “You are delaying the inevitable.” “You are robbing the Reds of celebrating and moving on to the next opponent.”

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